Dear Parents/Carers,

We would like to remind you about the dress code for tomorrow (Thursday 19th) and Friday 20th December.

Tomorrow, we have our walk to St. John’s church followed by a Christmas Lunch. Children should wear normal school uniform but can bring one accessory from home to wear during lunch only. This accessory can be a Santa hat or Christmas headband.

On Friday 20th December, children will be allowed to wear non-uniform with a Christmas jumper for a donation of £1 or more. You can either pay cash on the day or follow the link below and donate £2 (or more if you are feeling generous…) and it will go straight to Save the Children.

Following last year’s success, we are having another sing-along of Christmas songs on Friday morning after registration at 9.15am.

If you would like to stay and join us in the hall after drop off you would be most welcome. It should last approximately 30 minutes. 

However, space and seating is limited, so you may need to stand.  Please wait outside the playground hall door until you are invited to enter – this will not be before 9:15am. All prams / pushchairs must be left outside in the playground area.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday.

Please remember that school closes earlier at 1:30pm on Friday 20th December.