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The Oaklands Juniors School Local Governing Body are a passionate, diverse group of people, all volunteers, with a common interest in the school; its staff, pupils and buildings and the community of which it forms a part. Each Governor brings different strengths and skills to the Governing Board, but all have a commitment to making the school outstanding.

The full Governing Board meets at least 6 times each year.

The governors focus strongly on three core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. Holding Senior Leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

To help carry out these core functions, there are some sub committees, including Finance and Premises, Staffing and Wellbeing, Curriculum and Standards, Appraisals, Admissions, from time to time, a number of working parties.

Our Governors

Name: Charlotte Kieran
Role: Chair Of Governors (appointed by Corvus Learning trust).
Type: Co-opted. Appointed by the Governing Body.
Committee:  Chair of Admissions and member of Curriculum & Standards
Term of Office: November 2020 – November 2024

I joined the governing body as a Co-opted Governor in 2016. I started as Chair of the Governing Body March 2020.

I possess a personal drive to contribute to the ongoing success of the school and well being, progression and advancement of its pupils. We have two young children and will be in partnership with Oaklands Junior School for the next 10 years. I would like all children to feel the way I did about my education and enjoy it to the fullest, being nurtured, encouraged and supported at every opportunity.

Name: Nada Harding
Role: Vice Chair, (appointed by Corvus Learning trust) SEND, Pupil Premium and Looked After Child governor. Also co Safeguarding Governor with P Wright.
Type: Co-opted. Appointed by the Governing Body.
Committee: Staffing, Curriculum & Standards and Admissions
Term of Office: October 2020 – October 2024

I volunteered to be a parent governor at the school so that I can help to fulfil the schools’ and pupils’ potential as well as representing the perspective and views of the parents during governor meetings. As a parent I value education enormously and would like to help the school to encourage the value of education and learning to the pupils of the school by helping them to recognise how much they can achieve by being the best they can be to fulfil their potential. This can be achieved by building sound foundations on which they can build their futures. I can draw on my professional experience within industry and I come equipped with experience and tools to help the governors in the management and governance of the school by providing support to all the teaching staff and listening to parents to help the school to continue to grow and build on its great reputation within the community of Crowthorne.

Name: Debby Griffiths
Role: Development Governor
Type: Co-opted. Appointed by the Governing Body.
Term of Office: March 2023-March 2027

I am a Co-opted Governor and my role within the governing body is the Development Governor. I have three adult children who of whom all attended Oaklands Junior School, meaning that I have a very long and happy connection with the school. I have also worked at the school for 17 years and am a HLTA, currently work in year 6.

Name: Duncan Holland
Role: Deputy Headteacher
Type: Staff Governor. Appointed by Staff.
Committee: Curriculum & Standards
Term Of Office: October 2020 – October 2024

I joined Oaklands Junior School in September 2015 as the Deputy Headteacher and a Year 6 class teacher. I have now moved from a class responsibility to being the SENCo in 2019. I have taught in schools in England, Germany and New Zealand, combining my teaching with a semi-professional rugby career at Leicester Tigers and Nottingham: sport has always been a large part of my life. Among my responsibilities is leading on Thinking Schools, an area of education for which I have a particular passion and enthusiasm.

Name: Hazel West
Role: Headteacher
Committee: Finance, Curriculum & Standards, Admissions and Staffing
Term of Office: Ex officio

I first joined Oaklands Junior School in September 2009 as a Deputy Headteacher, teaching a Year 4 class; previously I taught a range of age-groups from Reception to Year 6 in several schools. Throughout my career I have always had a love of learning and creativity whether this has been as a mother, teacher or a school leader. Supporting and inspiring children to achieve the very best they can, not only academically but through their own personal interests, has always been my goal. From the summer of 2014, I became the very proud Headteacher of Oaklands Junior School. I am now following my passion of working with our whole school community to make our school the very best that we can be. I am a mother of 3 sons and am now a grandmother too. I am still passionate about education and very excited about the future and what we can achieve together for our children.

Name: Richard Shaw
Role: Science Governor
Type: Co-opted. Appointed by the Governing Body.
Committee: Chair Curriculum & Standards and member of Admissions
Term of Office: July 2020 – July 2024

My name is Richard (Dick) Shaw and I am an applied scientist who has become a manager over the past 25 years working for CABI, an International not-for-profit organisation. This has given me experience in teaching, finance and human resources and my early employment and recent family history are in construction so I have some facilities experience as well.

We have a child at the school and I have always thought of applying to be a Governor but my previous travel schedule did not allow it, but the world has changed. I now feel able to try to help our school provide excellent teaching and continual improvement to the benefit of the staff as well as the children and I look forward to the challenge.

Name: Martin Cox
Role: English Governor
Type: Co-opted governor. Appointed by the Governing Body.
Committee: Chair Finance & Premises. Member of staffing.
Term of Office: July 2020 – July 2024

I am an engineer with vast experience running businesses in the construction industry alongside mentoring and developing staff. I have been fortunate throughout my life to meet people who made a difference for me and would like to contribute my experience to assist the school with its reputation and success. I am confident, curious with an enquiring mind and always look for continuous improvement within myself and others. As a school governor I hope to positively influence mine and other children’s education so they are supported, encouraged and given the very best chance to succeed.

Name: Graham Kay
Role: PE/ Sports Governor
Type: Co-opted. Appointed by the Governing Body.
Committee: Curriculum & Standards
Term of Office: July 2020 – July 2024

My three daughters attended both Oaklands schools, with my youngest having left the Junior School in 2023, so I have had strong links with the school for a number of years, further reinforced by a two-year spell as a vice-chair of Oaklands Schools PTA (2016-18), of which I remain an active supporter. Having worked in the development and manufacture of medicines for over 20 years, I have learned the importance of using continuous improvement principles to ensure that the best interests of end-users remain at the heart of our endeavours; I hope to be able to apply my professional experience to support and challenge the school to deliver an outstanding educational experience for our young people. I also strongly believe that sport can be a tremendously positive influence in children’s development, so I am interested in supporting the school to maximise opportunities in this area.

Name: Steve Parlett
Role: Maths Governor
Type: Co-opted. Appointed by the Governing Body.
Committee: Finance & Premises
Term of Office: March 2021 – March 2025

My family and I moved to Crowthorne in January 2016, currently have 2 children in Oaklands Junior School. I have worked in the Horseracing Industry for over 17 years in various senior positions and for the last 10 years I have been General Manager at Wincanton racecourse in Somerset and most recently held the same position at Kempton Park racecourse. I just been appointed the General Manager of Royal Windsor Racecourse.

As the General Manager I have overall responsibility for the P&L of the business as well as the overarching strategy for continuous improvement and feel I bring a very strong financial understanding and keen eye for detail to the table.

For the past 2 years I have managed and coached my daughters U9 football team and sons U7 football team at Pinewood FC, a local club that has been running for over 35 years and has extremely strong ties with the local community.

Name: Tamsin Cope
Role: History and Geography Governor
Type: Parent Governor. Appointed by parents.
Committee: Curriculum & Standards
Term of Office: June 2021 – June 2025

I decided to get involved as a Parent Governor following the start of the pandemic, I gained a great appreciation of all aspects of my child’s education and feel passionately about the home and school partnership. I currently have two children attending Oaklands Junior School, therefore I felt it a positive move to join the Governing Body as a Parent Governor. I am enthusiastic, positive and constructive. I remain committed to continuously raising standards and challenging the school, to be an outstanding school for our children.

I’m really looking forward to being more involved with my children’s education and being a conduit between the parents and the school. As one of the parent governors, I will strive to increase engagement, energy, and enthusiasm throughout the parent community.

Name: Peter Wright
Role: Music Governor and Co Safeguarding Governor with N Harding.
Type: Parent Governor. Appointed by parents.
Committee: Curriculum & Standards
Term of Office: July 2021 – July 2025

I am a musician and music teacher, and my child is at Oaklands Junior School. With my background in music and education, and as the father of a child with special needs, I feel very strongly about the importance of the arts in education, and about the importance of SEND support in schools. It is this that has driven me to become a governor, and I hope to be able to have a positive influence on the school in this regard.

Name: Jonathon Wood
Role: IT governor and website compliance governor
Type: Co opted Governor. Appointed by the Governing Body.
Committee: Curriculum and Standards and member of Admissions
Term of Office: March 2022 – March 2026

My family and I have lived in the area for the past 7 years. I have 2 children, who both attend Oaklands schools. As a cyber-security engineer of nearly 20 years, I value the importance that learning has to unlock potential, both in formal education and beyond. I believe that helping children become more aware of the learning process itself is enormously important to lifetime development, and have an interest in the Thinking School accreditation that Oaklands Junior School holds.

As a governor, I look forward to helping challenge and support Oaklands Junior School and positively impact the standard of education provided to local children.

Name: Bisi Olaleye
Role: TBA
Type: Co Opted Governor. Appointed by the Governing Body.
Committee: Curriculum and Standards
Term of Office: March 2022 – March 2026

Education is one of the factors that most influences the progress of people and societies.
I am currently a Software Engineer, With my background in STEM, I will be applying my problem solving, supporting & communication skills that I have acquired over a period in this role. I also think it is time to start giving back to society what I have personally acquired over the years. I am also looking forward to working with other people with the same objective of contributing to the success and well-being of the pupils, using the best resources available to us in this role as a governor.

Name: Gary Burridge
Role: Health and Safety Governor
Type: Co Opted Governor. Appointed by the Governing Body.
Committee: Finance and Premises
Term of Office: January 2023 – January 2027

I currently have a child at Oaklands Juniors with my youngest joining in a few years, therefore I am keen to support the school strive to be the best it can be. I am a qualified accountant working as a Financial Controller, therefore have a keen eye for reviewing budgets and ensuring that funds are spent effectively. I will endeavour to utilise my background to support and safeguard the school, which in-turn will help to enable the school to achieve a great learning and development experience for the pupils

Clerk to Governors: Andrew Gorham.
Declares also Clerk to Governors for Oaklands Infants and Clerk to Governors for St Sebastian’s Primary school & Nursery, Wokingham.

Governors who have left in the past 12 months:

  • Esther Blake – February 2023
  • Damian Cope – June 2024