Dear Parents/Carers,
As part of our health and safety procedures, we regularly conduct fire drills (usually once every term) to ensure that children are familiar with what to do in the event of an evacuation. This helps us maintain a safe environment for everyone.
Today, for the first time, we conducted a ‘lockdown’ drill simultaneously for both the Infant and Junior schools. Unlike a fire drill, a lockdown drill is practised in case there is ever a need to remain safe and secure inside the school buildings. Staff prepared the children in advance to ensure they understood that this was just a practice and there was no real danger. The aim was to make sure that, should the need ever arise, everyone knows what to do to stay safe.
We wanted to inform you about this event as it was our first joint lockdown drill at Oaklands Schools. Your child might mention it to you, and we want to reassure you that there was no actual danger on the school site. You may also wish to ask your child about the experience. We are pleased to report that both the children and staff responded brilliantly, and the drill was a great success.
Kind regards,
Junior School Office