When your Child is Unwell/Reporting Absence

When your child is unwell and cannot come to school we would ask that you report their absence as soon as possible and preferably before 9am. You can report this either via the Weduc app, by e-mail to the school office or by telephone. Information we need is the child’s name, class and the reason you are keeping them home. It would be appreciated if you could give more detail than just ‘unwell’. If you are unsure as to when to keep your child off school the NHS Is my child too ill for school? website may be of help.

We would certainly not expect children to complete school work when home from school unwell, but staff are often asked if there is something that children can complete from home.  We would always recommend rest and concentrating on getting better, so please do not worry if school work is missed due to illness. 

However, just a reminder that if your child is starting to feel well enough to try some work, Doodle Learning is available to ease them back in. You will also already have access to the information contained within the term’s curriculum booklet which covers all the topics for that term for ideas. Alternatively, please visit the ‘Helping your child at home’ section of our website for some educational websites https://oaklandsjunior-school.org.uk/helping-your-child-at-home-2/ .

Local Community Page

Crowthorne Litter Pick There is a Community Litter Pick at Circle Hill this Sunday 25th February at 11am. Crowthorne Parish Council will be providing all the equipment needed.

Beehive Easter Holiday Club is one of a few advertising on this page. So, whatever your child is interested in, you may find a club to suit!

Crowthorne Carnival Royalty Competition Could your child be the 2024 Carnival King or Queen? Have a look at the competition now on our Local Community Page open until 24th March 2024.

Kind regards,
Oaklands Junior School Office

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