Butler Road and Ellis Road Gates

As a safeguarding precaution, during the school day (9:00am to 3:20pm) the Junior School cannot give access to the school site from the Ellis Road gate. Any children coming in late, forgotten lunch boxes, water bottles etc must be brought to the Butler Road gate.

Please also note, parents/carers are not allowed to drive onto site unless they are picking up a child who is unwell or they have a blue badge. If you have a blue badge please show this to the office for our records so that we do not deny you access when required.

Local Community

St.Johns Parish Church are running a Beauty of Creation Art Competition which is open for all ages from 0 to adult. Prizes are available for the different age groups. Closing date to enter is Sunday 29th September.

Raring2Go’s Autumn edition is available to view which includes fun things to do as a family, Autumn projects for children, a recipe for Vanilla Chocolate Brownies, messy experiments and lots more….

Fully funded School Support Classes are available which start on 30th September. Some eligibility criteria must be met for a fully funded place and the deadline to enrol is 25th September. More details can be found on the Local Community page.

Wokingham Adult Education team are running a number of courses during September and October. You can sign up on their website at Web.Enrol Adult Education Service (webenrol.com) or contact the team at adulteducation@wokingham.gov.uk or by phoning 0118 9743797.

Secondary School Open Events

Secondary schools are now advertising their open afternoons, evenings and days. If you have a child in Year 5 or Year 6, please check our website page for the latest information.


Apply now for money to help with cost of living

You can get money to help with the cost of food, bills and other essentials through the Household Support Fund.

Families with children who receive means-tested free school meals should apply for Holiday Food Vouchers. You’ll get £20 per week, per child, during the school holidays. If you have successfully applied for Holiday Food Vouchers since April 2023, you do not need to reapply

Everyone else should apply for a Household Support Grant if they’re struggling. Get £70 or £140 depending on your situation.

Support is available to households who feel they are struggling with rising costs of living as well as people in receipt of benefits. Apply now for the Household Support Fund.

How registering for free school meals helps us

We want to make sure we are providing your child with the best education and support we can.

Healthy school food has obvious benefits and can help pupils establish healthy habits for life and can also help to improve pupils’ readiness to learn.

Families who receive certain benefits may be eligible for free school meals. To qualify, your child must be in school and you must be receiving one of the following benefits:

If this applies to you but your child isn’t registered for free school meals, complete a form and return it to your child’s school.

Download the form and apply for Free School Meals on Wokingham Borough Council’s website.

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