Adults in Year 5
Class 5B Teacher – Mrs Broadhurst
Class 5B Teaching Assistant – Mrs Mooney
Class 5M Teacher – Miss McComish
Class 5M Teaching Assistant – Mrs Griffiths
Class 5M 1-1 Support Assistant – Ms Dyer
The key learning objectives for Year 5 are listed below, but each child will progress towards these at their own rate.
- Use of 4 rules of number (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
- Word problems involving capacity, volume, weights and measures
- Area and perimeter of irregular shapes including scaled drawings
- Converting between units of time (months of year, days in each month, days in a week/year, leap year – seconds, minutes, hours)
- Fractions/decimals and percentages
- Comparing angles – acute/obtuse/reflex and measuring angles accurately with a protractor; working out a missing angle in a triangle; estimating angles; drawing angles
- Properties of rectangles to find lengths and angles
- 3D shapes, names and properties of regular and irregular polygons
- Shape reflection across a horizontal and diagonal line; shape translation
- Statistics, line graphs, frequency tables, interpreting tables and timetables
Each child is expected to learn their times tables which will be tested every fortnight.
- Reading: The children are asked to read 5 times a week, reading the same book at home and school. VIPERS.
- Writing: We will be learning rules surrounding punctuation and grammar. We will also be writing balanced arguments, character descriptions and newspaper articles
- Spelling: Each child receives a half-termly list of spellings. We practise them each week in class including their meanings. Spelling tests are at the end of each half term.
End of year testing in mathematics, grammar, punctuation, spelling and reading comprehension will take place during the second half term.
Science (and Outdoor Learning)
- This term’s science topics are Changing Materials and Growing up
- Year group gardening
- We will be looking at the history of the local area (Crowthorne), including how and why change has happened and the impact on modern life
- We will also study the Huntley and Palmers biscuit factory and the impact that this had on Reading
- After half term we will be learning about ‘rivers’ and we will be following the river from source to sea, exploring its path as well as how rivers affect us and the world around us. We will be visiting the River Pang towards the end of the year.
- We will work on Spreadsheets, animation techniques, hyperlinks and coding
- E-safety; staying safe on-line
Design and Technology
- Creating a multi-purpose pouch using sewing skills
- Making biscuits and designing and making packaging linked with our History topic
- Year 5 will be looking at using size adjectives in a sentence
- They will also be practising their conversational French
- Studying the work of Cezanne and Kandinsky
Art activities – Please keep an old shirt or apron in school at all times.
- Explore the inter-related dimensions of music, including texture and structure, through topics including rivers. We will also be following the Charanga scheme of work, which studies different songs.
Physical Education
- Tuesdays: Athletics, Rounders
- Thursdays: Touch Rugby
- Friday (up until May half term): Cricket
- Preparation for Sports Day
- Pinewood Gym session Tuesday 7th May
Children should come to school in their school PE kit on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Religious Education
- We will continue to explore the significance and meaning of stories and beliefs from a Hindu and Christian perspective
- Our units of study after half term will be ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changes’. As part of our PSHE this term we will be including Puberty. Resources that will be used in the topic will be shared with parents nearer the time.
- Weekly spellings will be set every Thursday, to be handed in the following Tuesday. The expectations for use of Doodle learning will remain the same.
- Children should read for 10 minutes every night and be heard by an adult at least once a week
Please check your child’s homework diary weekly and sign it by Monday morning as all diaries are checked on Monday for messages.