Adults in Year 3

Class 3H Teacher – Miss Hanks
Class 3H Teaching Assistant – Mrs Smith
Class 3L Teacher – Mr Lee
Class 3L Teaching Assistant – Mrs Roberts
- Mental and written strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- Consolidate multiplication facts up to 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 8s, 10s
- Identify fractions of shapes, and find simple fractions of shapes and numbers; equivalent fractions and addition of simple fractions
- Investigate number patterns and use findings to solve puzzles
- Solve one and two-step mathematical word problems
- Use standard measures for weight and length accurately; read scales with increasing accuracy when measuring
- Reading and understanding time in different forms
- Information Text
- Howard Carter inspired writing
- Poetry
- Learning spelling rules and investigating patterns through games
- Guided Reading sessions
Science (and Outdoor Learning)
- Light and Shadows – identifying light sources around us; investigating how light travels and how shadows are formed; understanding how reflections are formed
- Plants and seeds
- Pond dipping and life cycle of a frog
- Year group gardening
- Ancient Egyptians
- Local area study
- Analysis of fieldwork
- Coding, including using ‘Spheros’
- E-safety; staying safe on-line
Design and Technology
- Sewing Egyptian broad collars using binca
- Revision of colours, numbers, letters and common instructions and greetings
- The children will learn a variety of traditional French songs and stories, and also learn about life in France through looking at webcams, maps, films, etc.
- Learning to form simple sentences in French, both written and oral
- Observational Drawing using pencils
Art activities – Please keep an old shirt or apron in school at all times.
- Exploring music using the Charanga scheme of work, including singing and accompanying well-known songs
Physical Education
- Athletics – jumping (high jump, long jump and triple jump), running (sprinting and distance), throwing (tennis ball, javelin, shot putt); preparation for Sports Day
- Cricket
- Dance
- Pinewood Gym session Tuesday 21st May
- Swimming lessons on Tuesday mornings
PE lessons are on Monday and Wednesday, apart from when we are swimming (in which case it will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays). School PE kit should be worn to school on these days. Water bottles and sun hats required.
Religious Education
- Sikhism – why is it important for Sikhs to share?
- Changes – identifying changes since we have been in Year 3; mapping out our life stories; considering changes as we move up a year group; setting targets for the future
- Sun safety
- Doodle Maths – 20 minutes per week
- Doodle English – 20 minutes per week
- Doodle Tables – 20 minutes per week
- Learning times tables for weekly test every Friday
- Daily reading – (Mon – Fri) minimum 10 mins. To be recorded in Homework Diary. If your child reads 5 times at home over the course of a week they receive a house point; if they do this every week for half a term they will receive a merit.
- After half term, Year 3 children give a talk about something that is important to them. They will need to prepare these talks as homework to be presented in class.
Please check your child’s homework diary regularly and sign it at the end of each week. Please record every time you read with your child. If your child has any difficulty with their homework, please record this in their diary.
PLEASE provide your child with a named bottle that they can fill daily with water. It can get very warm in the Year 3 classrooms in the summer term.