Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you for all the good wishes and congratulations following the Trust letter regarding the restructuring of Oaklands’ Schools from September. It was heartwarming to know I have your support in my new role as Executive Headteacher across both Infants and Juniors. I will be working closely with Ellen Weston and Duncan Holland as Heads of Schools, whilst they continue to be responsible for the day-to-day operational running of each school. We will certainly strive together to continue to do the very best we possibly can for our Oaklands’ children, families, staff and governors.
Last Saturday afternoon, I had the pleasure of attending the ‘Time to Shine’ dance show at Holme Grange which was run by the Elibah School of Dance. Eleven schools took part in this show, and it was wonderful to see all the children perform their dance routines with such enjoyment, rhythm and style. All schools danced to a different piece of music that they had all practised in their schools during their weekly dance club. It was clear that a lot of work had gone into rehearsals, as well as the attention to detail with the variety of costumes for each school. I felt very privileged and proud to be there to see Oaklands’ Infants and Oaklands’ Junior children shine in their separate dances and clearly the parents and grandparents in the audience were also loving the show too! Well done to all our talented dancers in both schools and thank you to Elibah School of Dance for teaching our children so well.
Finally, I would like to thank all our Year 6s for their hard work and for surviving SATs week. Many were not in the best of health, with some needing Calpol or antibiotics, but they all took these national tests in their stride, and tried their very best no matter what – we could not ask for more and we are proud of you all! My thanks to all the staff too for either being involved in the teaching leading up to the tests, or preparation for that week, along with the staff who supported each test room and did a great job of displaying times for start/finish for me, which made my life easier in knowing which order to collect test papers. My Admin team also helped with putting test papers in alphabetical order and checking front covers for correct information, before sealing up bags ready for collection. Let’s not forget the rest of the school too who did their best to ensure they continued to work as quietly as possible each day and were not phased by the changes to breaktimes – such great teamwork.
As we approach half term, all that remains is for me to wish you all a very joyful week, with hopefully many more days of warmth and sunshine! We look forward to welcoming you back into school on Tuesday 4th June as Monday 3rd is an INSET day.
Mrs Hazel West, Headteacher
To go straight to any one of the sections below simply click on the wording.
Snap shot of activities this half term
Sports News
Achievements & Awards
Fundraising Activities
Contact Us
Here’s a snap shot of what’s been taking place at Oaklands Junior School this half term

Sports News
London Mini Marathon – On Saturday 20th April, we took 35 Oaklands children to London to take part in the Mini Marathon. Each child ran 1-mile round Regents park, passed Buckingham Palace to the finish line. It was an amazing event; the atmosphere was fantastic and everyone had a great time. We ran in Wave 19, which had over 400 children in it. There were 20 waves for this event!

We had 5 Oaklands children in the top 10 runners for our wave and we were named by the commentary over the loudspeaker as a school doing really well. Jo, who came second in our wave, came in the top 20 overall which is an amazing feat. Other results include Jack who came 3rd, Blake 4th, Casper 5th, Nathan 8th, John 11th and Gregory 12th. This event was the highlight of our running calendar and a great way to end the running season. Thank you to all parents who took their children to London.
Football – On 24th April, the school team played Polehampton in the semi-final of the Wokingham Schools Shield. After a fairly balanced opening quarter, a sudden flurry of goals by Polehampton gave them a 3-0 lead. Despite Joey B scoring two goals in the second half, Oaklands were beaten 4-2 by a deserving Polehampton team.
Tennis – On 1st May, 4 children from Years 3 and 4 took part in a tennis skills session at Berkshire Sports Club. The children had a go at a range of skills and activities and, despite the inclement weather, they enjoyed the experience.
Golf – On 20th May, 20 children from Year 4 went to Sandmartins Golf Club to try their hand at a range of golf skills, from chipping to putting. After completing 8 activities, we were delighted to have been placed 3rd out of the 9 schools attending.

Achievements & Awards
Pride Award – Congratulations go to the following winners of this term’s Pride Award: Lottie M (3L); Emilia S (3H); Thomas H (4D); Lara B (4JG); Samuel W (5B); Priya B (5M); Prudence S (6A) and Leo K (6N).
Crowthorne Carnival Poster Competition – Congratulations go to Bethany L (6A) whose poster for this year’s Crowthorne Carnival was awarded the Runner’s Up Prize. Her poster, along with those entries from the rest of the school, will be on display in the shop windows of Crowthorne High Street during Carnival Week.

Fundraising Activities
Whole School Sponsored Walk – We have been truly amazed at the amount of money our children and staff have raised as a result of our sponsored walk week which took place in April. The current total raised stands at £1,390! Thank you to everyone who has supported this initiative.
‘Sports Shirt Friday’ – On Friday 26th April our school took part in ‘Sports Shirt Friday’ in aid of the Bobby Moore Fund with 100% of the money raised going to fund life-saving bowel cancer research. We are delighted to announce that on the day we received cash donations totalling £192. Thank you for your generosity.
Contact Us
Headteacher: Mrs H West
Address: Oaklands Junior School, Butler Road, Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 6QZ
School Office
Telephone: 01344 773496
Parent Support Advisor: Nikki Lenon
Telephone: 07748 415 285
Chair of Governors: Charlotte Kieran
Oaklands Junior School Governing Body
The Governing Body is ambitious for all children and infused with a passion for education and a commitment to continuous school improvement that enables outstanding outcomes. We oversee financial performance, challenge, support, and focus on the strategic direction of Oaklands Junior school.
If you want to raise a concern, please speak with your class teacher in the first instance. We welcome your feedback if you wish to contact the Governors, please email Charlotte Kieran, Chair of Governors.
Raising a concern
Governing Body team
Governors Profiles