We have had a very busy start to this spring term. They say time goes quickly when you are having fun – so we must have had a lot of fun! I am thankful that we have made it safely through the freezing January temperatures, flooding and high winds!
Incredibly fun learning has continued throughout this half term and we hope you like this new format for sharing news regarding year group activities, sporting events, achievements/awards and fundraising drives. We plan to continue this more visual format every half term. We want to cut down on repeating what you already know is happening in school from our termly curriculum booklets and give you a visual flavour of learning through photographs. Each term, sporting news may be either through photos or a brief note of results. We will also include awards, and whilst there are so many different types, we will aim to include Pride, Daisy Trophy and any other events such as maths challenges etc.
Making Crowthorne buildings out of 3D shape nets in the style of artist Gail BrodhotGymnastics ChampionsDUGs Day in Year 4Birdwatching Club with Miss Davidson
Wishing you all a restful half term break and we look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 19th February. Please do remember to sign up for parents’ evenings after the break if you haven’t already done so.
Best wishes, Hazel West. Headteacher
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Here’s a snap shot of what’s been taking place at Oaklands Junior School this half term
Year 3 – Hockey TasterYear 3 – PerimeterYear 3 – BasketballYear 3 – Cave ArtYear 3 – DramaYear 3 – Magnetism in ScienceYear 4 – Breakfast Workshop – making a smoothieYear 4 – Breakfast Workshop – milking Daisy the cowYear 4 – D&T construction of Iron Man maskYear 4 – Final Iron Man mask constructionYear 4 – Georgia O’Keefe art work with watercoloursYear 4 – Making electrical circuits for the Iron Man maskYear 4 – When George the puppy came to visitYear 5 – Rainforest VisitYear 5 – Rainforest VisitYear 5 – Rainforest VisitYear 5 – Rainforest VisitYear 5 – Rainforest VisitYear 6 – Building Challenge TeamYear 6 – Drawing & constructing 3D shapes using netsYear 6 – DUGs afternoon, Mr Hopley was really good!Year 6 – Hockey Taster with Reading Hockey ClubYear 6 – Making Pin-hole Cameras – Light ProjectYear 6 – Printing inspired by Gail Brodholt
Braywick Park Cross Country Event – On Thursday 18th January, Mrs Alexander and Mrs Burrell took a group of children from all across the Junior School to compete in this event. There were a total of 4 races, each with approximately 180 children. Oaklands Junior School had a very successful afternoon coming 2nd overall out of 20 schools. We were placed 1st in the Year 3 / 4 boys’ race and 2nd in the Year 3 / 4 girls’ race. Congratulations go to Chloe H in Year 3 who came 10th, Jacob L in Year 4 who came 9th, Amelia G in Year 6 who came 14th and Blake L also in Year 6 who came 13th. Oaklands Junior School are currently in 2nd place in the overall cross country league after a total of 2 events.
Girls’ Football Match – On Thursday 18th January, the Girls’ football team played in the first round of the Cup competition against St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School. The match was played in difficult conditions, with a near-frozen pitch. Oaklands scored twice through Thea and Willow before being pegged back late in the game, with the score being 2-all at the end of regulation. As it was a Cup game, and with the light fading rapidly, the decision was taken to revert to penalties to find a winner. Despite a valiant effort by Rosie in goal, Oaklands were beaten 4-2 in the shootout and thus our participation in the Wokingham FA Girls’ Knockout Cup ended for the year.
Gymnastics Advanced Competition – On Wednesday 31st January Mrs Broadhurst and Mr Holland took a team of Year 6 pupils to Pinewood Gynmastics to compete in the Gymnastics Advanced Competition. The team was made up of Lilah R, Chloe M, Maya E, Yasmin D, Bella B and Ezmay G. We are delighted to announce that the girls came 1st out of 12 schools and took the title for a second year running. Well done!
Year 6 Maths Challenge – On Tuesday 30th January, Shariff K-I, Yi Kiu C, Jamie C and Casper B took part in the Year 6 Maths Challenge at Eagle House competing against over 70 other teams (from both state and private schools). One team came 4th and the other team was placed 21st. Well done everyone.
Year 4 Spelling Competition – On Tuesday 6th February, Mrs Townend accompanied Lache M, Poppy H, Jasper L and Jacob L to the Eagle House School’s Spelling Competition. Ours was one of 40 teams taking part at the event and whilst we are currently awaiting news on where we were placed, we are extremely proud of their achievements at the competition.
Year 6 Building Challenge – 2 teams of Year 6 children recently took part in the Building Challenge at Owlsmoor Primary School. They had to work as a team to construct an exact replica of a building. Each person had a different role in the team so collaboration was key! 6A’s team came 1st out of all of the teams involved and 6N’s team came 2nd. Well done.
Year 6 Maths TeamYear 4 Maths TeamYear 6 – We are very proud of our Building Challenge teams – 6A came first and 6N came second.Year 5 Meets Royalty
Daisy Trophy – We are delighted to announce that Gracie P in Class 5B has won the Daisy Trophy for this half term. Well done.
Pride Award – Congratulations go to the following winners of this term’s Pride Award: Max K (3L); Alexander C (3M); Bronwen D (4D); Isla S (4JG); Hamish D (5M); Alice W (5B); Adam B (6A); Holly H and George H (6N). Well done.
Oaklands’ Pupil meets Royalty – Back in December, Dexter M from Class 5M was lucky enough to present the show brochures at the Royal Variety Performance to not only the Prince and Princess of Sweden but also to our very own Prince and Princess of Wales.
NSPCC Number Day – On Friday 2nd February, we celebrated the NSPCC Number Day and the children looked brilliant in their number-related clothes. There were some fantastic costumes – thank you for your assistance in making the day a great success and for your generous donations. We raised £188.35.
Year 5 Friday Fundraiser – On behalf of Oaklands Junior School, Mrs West would like to thank a very special group of Year 5 children who visited her on many occasions with such fantastic ideas for fundraising. Their enthusiasm and ideas were amazing and last Friday, they successfully sold a range of items, treats, delicious cakes/biscuits, whilst singing to the crowd. Well done to all and our thanks to their very supportive families for this fundraising. Amazingly they managed to raise £224 which is a fantastic amount.
Oaklands Junior School benefits from Tesco’s Stronger Starts scheme – In January Oaklands Junior School received a cheque for £1,500.00 from the Finchampstead Road Tesco Superstore as part of their Stronger Starts scheme. For those who may not be aware, Tesco’s Stronger Starts scheme, in partnership with the Groundwork charity, supports many Wokingham community projects and good causes. The funds we received will help us fund services provided by our part-time Educational Psychotherapist and Parent Support Advisor, both of whom support children and families that are experiencing difficulties.
Our Educational Psychotherapist supports children who have been affected by adverse childhood experiences such as family separation, loss or bereavement, and who may be neurodiverse, with diagnoses of autism or ADHD. Whilst our Parent Support Advisor provides free and confidential support with a number of issues such as general parenting concerns, school transition and attendance, relationship breakdown and behaviour management to mention a few. This assistance is offered in many ways including one-to-one support, parenting courses and signposting to local services.
We are very grateful to Tesco for the funding we have received. Without the Stronger Starts scheme, we would not be able to extend the specialised support we provide for many of our children and families. This grant will enable Oaklands Junior School to support more children and families with this unique provision.
Save the Children – At the end of last term, pupils and staff took part in the Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day. We are pleased to announce that Oaklands Junior School raised £131.50
Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice – Thank you to all those families who kindly made a donation towards our chosen charity at the end of the Year 3 Christmas Play evening performance in December. We raised £52.46 for this very worthy cause.
Chair of Governors: Charlotte Kieran Email: chairofgovernors@ojsgovernors.co.uk
Oaklands Junior School Governing Body
The Governing Body is ambitious for all children and infused with a passion for education and a commitment to continuous school improvement that enables outstanding outcomes. We oversee financial performance, challenge, support, and focus on the strategic direction of Oaklands Junior school.
If you want to raise a concern, please speak with your class teacher in the first instance. We welcome your feedback if you wish to contact the Governors, please email Charlotte Kieran, Chair of Governors.
A message from Mr Holland A message from Mrs West I would like to thank all our hard-working staff, amazing children, supportive parents, governors, helpers and visitors – your support for Oaklands this term has Read more…
Contents To go straight to any one of the sections below simply click on the wording. Snap shot of activities this half termSports NewsAchievements & AwardsFundraising ActivitiesContact Us Here’s a snap shot of what’s been Read more…
Contents To go straight to any one of the sections below simply click on the wording. Snap shot of activities this half termSports NewsAchievements & AwardsFundraising ActivitiesContact Us Here’s a snap shot of what’s been Read more…