French Breakfast
Last Friday, we had our first ever ‘French breakfast’ in the hall; it was lovely to see so many families sharing a croissant and a hot drink. We served over 150 people and I would like to personally thank the many members of staff (including those in the kitchen) that helped out and made this event possible. The funds raised are going to be used to buy foreign language books for our bilingual children to read to their peers as part of our efforts to raise ‘Intercultural Understanding’. Merci! Mr Lee
Book Fair
Thank you to all the many people that bought books and other products from our recent book fair. We raised nearly £900 which means that we have earnt nearly £550 worth of rewards. We are going to use this money to add new stock to the library as well as updating bookshelves in classrooms.
Decoration Day
The School is looking very festive, with decorations being made and displayed all in one day, ready for the PTA’s Christmas Fayre this Saturday. Thank you to all of you who came into school to help. We hope you had time to join Mrs West and the governors in the hall for refreshments at break time. You certainly deserved a rest away from all that glitter. We had 95 entries recorded on our visitor sheets! Some of you even came back to help in the afternoon. A huge THANK YOU to staff for preparing and resourcing all the creative activities for that day and to ALL the parents and family members who came in to help – we couldn’t have done it without you!
Sky Studio
On Friday 24th November, 30 children in Year 5 had the opportunity to visit the Sky Studios in Isleworth where they learnt about how a television news report is put together and also enjoyed a tour of the studios. Later children took on different roles, such as editors, script writers, directors, presenters and camera operators to produce a very professional looking Sky news report on proposed trips to Mars. The whole school enjoyed their presentation and video footage of this event during the following Monday’s assembly.
Astronomy Roadshow
Year 5 had an out of this world experience earlier this term, when a large portable Planetarium visited the school on 14th November. The children were able to find out about gravity on different planets and about recent missions into space. Then it was into the Planetarium for a tour of the solar system and beyond. Thanks to Mr Bassett and the Astronomy Roadshow for a very informative presentation. The children impressed him with the knowledge shown and impeccable behaviour.
Online Safety Advance notice: there is a FREE Online Safety Workshop by O2 and the NSPCC for ALL Oaklands Infant & Junior School Parents /Carers on Wednesday 17th January after school in Oaklands Junior School Hall. It will last about one hour. Further details to follow.