Welcome as always to our new families, children new to this school and also our established Oaklands Junior community. Everyone has settled extremely well but if there is anything you are unsure of, or if you have any worries, please do speak to your child’s class teacher at the start or end of the school day. Parents’ evenings begin next week so you can also share anything relating to your child/family at these meetings. I am often in the playground with Mr Holland (my Deputy) at the start and end of the day (diary permitting) and we will both be available on parents’ evenings, so please do speak with us if you have any questions or anything you would like to share. Equally, it is always lovely to have a chat unrelated to school!
Autumn is always a busy but very enjoyable term – I am amazed by how much we do, yet we still find time to add new events. Early one Saturday in September, we took part in the Sandhurst & District Gardening Club Autumn Show, entering some onions and garlic grown by our children. These were entered in separate exhibits and we were amazed to win First prize for our garlic and Second prize for our onions! This was a first for our school as we have never entered previously. We have Mr Hopley to thank for entering Oaklands Juniors and Miss Green for her gardening club in helping to grow these. No pressure Year 4 with the Autumn Harvest at Wellington – we are looking to achieve the same with our pumpkins!
Year 6s have returned from their Osmington Bay residential trip, having had an amazing time despite poor weather midweek. I was lucky enough to be able to go for half the week and I will always remember being part of this and seeing our children achieve far more than they ever thought possible, as they challenged themselves to achieve just that little bit more. So very proud of these moments shared. The children have this week presented an afternoon of memories for their parents.
There is not a week goes by without a group of children wanting to speak with me to share their ideas for fundraising. They are all very passionate about the reasons why they would like to raise money and what they would like it spent on. Such forward-thinking young people who are determined to make a difference to our school and their lives. Thank you to the children and their parents for being so supportive. More details are included later in the news update, and we would ask for your support with their endeavours by visiting their events. Thank you to Matilda and her family for the scrunchies made over the summer, in readiness for a craft stall.
Finally, the weather is very changeable so please do send your children to school with a coat every day, even if you (or they) do not feel they need one, as we do still go out to play even when there is a light drizzle. We are finding that quite a few children still arrive with no coat and then have to shelter in the gazebo for the whole of break which is not much fun. If you forget and want to drop a coat off on any day, please always arrive at the Butler Road gate where you can press a buzzer for our Junior Reception and we will let you in to deliver anything forgotten to the School Office that we will then deliver to your child. Thank you.
Mrs Hazel West, Headteacher
Dates for your diary
For the latest dates for your diary please click here.
Year 3 Update
The Year 3s have done fantastically well since they joined us in the Juniors. As part of their transition last year, they spent several afternoons with us and, as a result, they have settled in brilliantly. During the first 3 weeks, we have spent time exploring the school and our grounds so that the children know where different classes and locations are.
We have been busy doing a range of tests to establish what the children have remembered from last year and what we need to recap before pushing on. We have also started several of our topics, including science and the children are enjoying learning about rocks and are beginning to learn ‘un petit peu de francais’.
Thank you to the parents that were able to attend the Year 3 Parent Forum – the Powerpoint will be available shortly on the school website.
We look forward to meeting all of you at the forthcoming parents’ evenings which begin next week.
The Year 3 Team
Year 4 Update
The Year 4s have settled in nicely to the year and been producing some lovely work. They were all excited to start writing in pen and have risen well to the challenge. Our science topic this term is ‘States of matter’. They have been discovering the differences between solids, liquids and gases and have been investigating things that don’t easily fit into one category. Oobleck (Corn flour and water) was definitely the favourite and the children were excited that they were able to make it act like a liquid and a solid depending on how they handled it. We also were lucky to pick a particularly windy day to use the resistance parachutes and the children got to see the effects of gas as they ran across the playground. We have just started our Dragon Eye artwork which will be used to create their own sculpture in the coming weeks. They already look like they are masterpieces in the making! Our History topic ‘The Romans in Britain’ has also started well and the children have already learnt lots of interesting facts. Roman Day will be on the 17th October. A letter will be coming out soon with more information about what that entails.
The Year 4 Team
Sandhurst Gardening Club
Following our success at the Sandhurst & District Gardening Club Autumn Show we would like to again thank Mr Hopley for all his help and dedication throughout the year and also the Sandhurst Gardening Club for all the seeds they donate to us year on year.
Future Fundraising Events by Junior School Pupils
We would like to share with you details of two pupil led fundraising events taking place at Oaklands Junior School during the Autumn Term.
Food and Games Event
On Friday 20th October, Thomas K, Daniel, Alex T and Teddy will be fundraising for Oaklands Junior School by selling cakes, cookies and drinks and running a number of fun games including “Guess where the Flag is” and the “Dice Game”, for everyone to participate in. Food will be priced between 50p and £1, drinks £1 and games between 20p and 50p.
The event, weather depending, will take place in the Junior School playground outside the Year 3 Classrooms (if it’s wet weather, inside the Junior School hall instead) between 3.10pm and 4.30pm.
Christmas Sale Event
On Tuesday 28th November, a small group of Year 5 children will be holding a Christmas Sale and they have asked us to share the following with you.
Dear Parents and Carers of Oaklands Junior School Pupils,
We are fundraising to have gym equipment at our school because we see your children doing gymnastics all the time at break and lunch. By getting new mats and equipment your children will learn new tricks and flexibility safely in a few weeks.
On Tuesday 28th November, we are having a Christmas Sale. We would appreciate it if you could bring in old, unwanted or homemade Christmas items.
This is a lead up to other sales and finally the fundraiser.
Thank you from Megan, Isabella, Harriet G, Sophia, Francesca, Polly, Gracie, Mia, Victor, Harriet W and Priya in Year 5 and all the people who have donated to the gym.
Parenting Courses/Information
For information on a number of parenting courses which has been compiled by our Family Support Advisor Nikki Lenon, please click here.
Did you know that different kinds of movement affect your mind in different ways? And since it’s Cycle to School Week:
Cycling at a pace of 120 pedal strokes a minute (2 per second) synchronises your pedalling with your heartbeat, adding a significant boost of blood to the brain.
Moving forwards through space has been shown to direct thoughts to the future, away from depressive rumination.
Getting physically stronger reduces anxiety, relieves depression and increases self-esteem.
Moving in time with others brings us closer together emotionally and makes us more likely to co-operate.
Riding your bike down a bumpy hill (while wearing a helmet!) makes you happy because the balance system of the inner ear is linked to the pleasure centres of the brain.
From the book Move! The New Science of Body Over Mind by Caroline Williams, recommended by Louise Mullier, our Educational Psychotherapist
Menu Change
We would like to remind everyone that there is a menu change on Thursday 5th October. Culinera will be offering their “American Day” themed menu which is available to book online using your ParentPay account. To view the menu click here.
PTA Bag2School Collection
The PTA are delighted to announce that the recent Bag2School collection raised £127. Thank you to everyone who donated.
PTA Newsletter
To view the PTA’s September Newsletter, including details on the Oaklands Schools’ Disco, issued earlier this month click here.
Local Community Information, Activities and Events
For information on local community activities and events please visit our web page below which is updated on a regular basis.
Chair of Governors: Charlotte Kieran Email: chairofgovernors@ojsgovernors.co.uk
Oaklands Junior School Governing Body
The Governing Body is ambitious for all children and infused with a passion for education and a commitment to continuous school improvement that enables outstanding outcomes. We oversee financial performance, challenge, support, and focus on the strategic direction of Oaklands Junior school.
If you want to raise a concern, please speak with your class teacher in the first instance. We welcome your feedback if you wish to contact the Governors, please email Charlotte Kieran, Chair of Governors.
Dear Parents/Carers, As part of Remembrance, Oaklands’ Schools always ask a family who have children in both Infants and Juniors, if they would be kind enough to lay a wreath on our behalf at the Read more…
Dates for your diary For the latest dates for your diary please click here. Year 3 Update Year 3 have continued to impress us with their keen attitude to learning and settling in with the Read more…
Dear Parents & Carers, We have certainly now reached the summer with such glorious sunny weather over the last few weeks although we are very pleased that today’s sports day ran with a bit of Read more…