Dear Parents / Carers
Welcome to our first newsletter of this academic year.
It has been a very busy start to the Autumn Term which began with our Parent Forums back at the beginning of the month. Thank you to all those parents who took the time to come along and meet with myself and the teaching staff.
Last week our Year 6 children enjoyed their residential trip to Osmington Bay, something which is a bit of a tradition here at Oaklands Junior School. They had a thoroughly enjoyable time and I was lucky enough to be able to join them on Wednesday for the last couple of days of the trip. Earlier this week, our Year 4’s spent the day in Roman attire and you can read more about this later in the newsletter.
Over the next few weeks there will be another opportunity for you all to meet with your children’s teachers as we hold our October Parents’ Evenings. A letter providing dates and timings for booking these will be sent out shortly. In the meantime, however, I am able to confirm that you will be given the opportunity for one, either face to face or on-line meeting. Meetings will take place week commencing Monday 10th and 17th October.
Maternity Cover Year 4 Teaching Assistant
We are very lucky to have lots of parental help which is greatly appreciated. Would any of our parents be willing to help out mornings or afternoons as a paid Teaching Assistant? If you are interested, please complete an application form from our website or contact our school directly with your details.
Kind regards Mrs H West, Headteacher
Settling into the Juniors
The Year 3 team have been very impressed with how the children have settled into the Juniors and they are beginning to become even more independent and used to all of the new routines that life in the Juniors involves.
Thank you to parents who were able to come to the Parent Forum. If you were unable to come, the presentations are now available on the website.
The Year 3 team
Year 4 Roman Day

Year 4 had an enjoyable Roman Day on Tuesday 27th September – even the weather did not defeat us!
The children made wonderful shields which they were able to use to create famous Roman formations on the field and (after the rain started) in the Hall.
Despite ferocious attacks by marauding Celts, they remained strong and steady!
Osmington Bay Presentation for Year 6 Parents/Carers
We would like to invite all Year 6 Parents/Carers to our Osmington Bay presentation led by the children this Friday 30th September at 14:45. Parents/carers will be able to learn all about the different activities the children enjoyed and see some photos of the trip. Please enter via the school hall when you arrive.
‘Jeans for Genes’ Day
Thank you to all the families who supported the ‘Jeans for Genes’ Day on Friday 23rd September. We are delighted to announce that all your donations raised an amazing £175.05. This money will go towards funding the work of the charity and provide grants to organisations for projects that aim to transform the lives of children with genetic disorders.
Harvest Festival
As you are all aware from our recent letter, our Harvest Service is taking place this Monday 3rd October at 2.15pm. Parents/carers are most welcome to attend however seating will, as usual, be limited. Please enter via the school hall when you arrive.
This year our Harvest will be going to the Crowthorne Foodbank ( They have asked us to provide the following items:
Longlife Milk | Tinned New Potatoes | Bulgur Wheat |
Fruit Juice (long-life) | Pulses (not pasta) | Tinned Custard |
Rice / Sponge Pudding (tinned) | Pasta Sauce | Microwave Rice |
Spaghetti Hoops (with/without meat) | Tea Bags | Tinned Meat / Fish |
Tinned Tomatoes / Passata | Buckwheat Flour | Tinned Vegetables / Fruit |
Baked Beans (with/without meat) | Cooking Oil | Crisps / Treats for lunch box |
Please ensure that any items you provide are well within the ‘use by / best before’ date. Gifts may be sent in with the children on the morning of the service only please, and the children will be asked to bring them straight to the hall when they arrive at school. We would also appreciate seasonal fruits, vegetables, flowers and foliage to decorate the hall.
We have recently received several complaints from local residents regarding inconsiderate/dangerous parking by a small number of parents/carers at morning drop-off. We would like to remind everyone that parking on the single and double yellow lines near the Butler Road entrance and the junction of Butler Road and Grange Avenue causes a great risk to our school children by preventing them from crossing the road safely.
Drivers are requested not to park opposite the zigzag lines (this provides a safe crossing for our families and particularly for our older pupils crossing the road independently) or on grass verges, on the corners of road junctions.
In addition, please respect our local community and ensure you do not park across our neighbours’ driveways.
“A Feast at Hogwarts”
There will be a menu change on Thursday 6th October. Children will be invited to choose from the following menu – Golden Snitch (Fish Fingers); Olivanders (Vegetable Nuggets); Whomping Willows (Beans and Peas); Hagrid Fries (Chips); Philospher’s Scone (Scone with jam); Snape’s Surprise (Fruit Salad); Hagrid Slime (Jelly) or Weasley’s Potion Pot (Yoghurt).
Please be aware you will still need to book online using your ParentPay account even if you have pre-booked your child’s meals in advance.
School photographs
Cardwell and Simons Photography will be visiting our school on the morning of Monday 10th October to take individual photos of the children. There will also be an opportunity for children to be photographed with their siblings at the Junior School and younger siblings from the Infant School too. A letter will be going out shortly with more information on this.
Important Dates for Your Diary
Click here to view key diary dates for this term.