Dear Parents / Carers,
Thank you to all the parents who have booked and attended parents’ evenings, whether online or in person. It was lovely to see so many of you who took the time to come and speak with me in my office. If anyone has missed out on an appointment, please contact your child’s class teacher after half term to arrange a meeting after school at a time convenient to both yourself and the class teacher.
As an update regarding the advert for an Executive Headteacher across the Infants and Juniors, effective from January 2023, I wanted to inform you that unfortunately there were no applicants for this position. As soon as interim plans have been finalised, more details will be communicated by the Trust.
The joint INSET day on Wednesday 4th January will now no longer be needed, so please ensure your children return to school on this day as originally planned. You will be notified later on in the year if a new date for a joint INSET day is required.
As we approach half term, I wish you all a relaxing break and look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 31st October.
Best wishes, Hazel West, Headteacher
Diary Dates
Key dates for your diary can be found on our website by clicking here.
Harvest Festival
We would like to say a very big thank you to everyone who donated items for our Harvest Festival Celebrations on Monday 3rd October. Not only were we able to create a fantastic display for our assembly but more importantly we were able to provide Crowthorne Foodbank with a supply of items for those in need within our local community. All your donations were collected the next day by one of the volunteers from Crowthorne Foodbank who said how grateful they were for your generosity.
Sporting News: Cross-Country
On Thursday 6th October we took part in the first in a series of cross-country events for the Thames Valley Running League. 45 children took part, many of whom had never run before. We had a fantastic afternoon in the autumn sunshine, and the children did amazingly, with 10 children making the top 10 in their races. Jack P came first for the Year 3 / 4 boys, Joseph B came 4th in the Year 3 /4 race and Thomas W came 2nd for the Year 5 / 6 boys. In the girls races Amelia G and Eliza G came 6th in each of their races and Lucy K came 9th for the Year 5 / 6 girls. Our next event is at Lightwater Country Park on 17th November. We will need more parental help for this one as we are organising it so if you are able to help please let Mrs Alexander know.
Sporting News: Inclusive Sports Day
Last Friday the school held its second Inclusive Sports Day. Throughout the day all classes were able to come outside and try a variety of games including golf, boccia (boule), skittles and badminton. Accessible to all abilities, the children had a fantastic day. For Mrs Alexander, this was summed up as she watched a Year 3 boy running to his next event shouting across to her, “I love this!” It was rewarding to see teamwork and sportsmanship. The event was run and led by the Year 6 sports and house captains who were exemplary in their leadership skills, encouraging children with a smile.

Sports News: Sports Captains Training and Year 3 Relay Competition
For the first time, sports captains across Wokingham are being trained in how to organise and run sporting events with younger children in the school. On Thursday 29th September, our Year 6 captains attended a leadership academy training session at the Holt Secondary School, where they planned relay races to take back to school. This Monday lunchtime, those captains took 20 Year 3 children and ran an inter-house relay race competition. They ran some warm-up drills, a short warm up game and then the relay competition. The Year 3’s were excellent in their behaviour, they love being taught by the captains and they all had a brilliant time. Mrs Alexander was hugely impressed by the way the captains spoke to the children and organised them. More training and competitions are planned at the Holt in November.

Sports News: Stingers Netball Festival
On Tuesday 18th October, 8 Year 6 girls attended a friendly netball taster. The girls showed brilliant sportsmanship and improved with each match they played. We look forward to playing more matches in the future.

Henley Literary Festival
On Thursday 6th October, as part of Henley Literary Festival, Miss Noad and Mrs Townend were lucky enough to take a group of Year 5 and 6 children to see Ross Welford, a popular children’s author. During the brilliant talk, we heard all about the life of an author and the process of writing books, from the initial ideas stage to finally getting a book published. He emphasised the importance of editing and re-drafting writing, which is a technique that we promote throughout Oaklands Juniors. In addition to hearing all about the writing process, we heard snippets of his latest book ‘In to the Sideways World’, which the children received signed copies of. As part of the talk, we were also treated to a magic show and Rufus from 5B bravely volunteered to participate in a trick involving a cup of water being held upside down over his head! The children had a fantastic time and couldn’t wait to start reading when they got home!
Book Recommendations
During our parents’ evening sessions over the last couple of weeks, we had lots of questions about book recommendations. Here is a list of recommended books for each year group which includes a range of genre for your children to enjoy. We have many of these books in our school and class libraries so if your child sees a book that they like from the list, please send them our way to see if we have a copy. Thank you for your continued support in helping your child with reading.
Places at Secondary School
We have been asked to remind all Year 6 parents/carers that the deadline for Secondary School applications is 31st October 2022. Any applications received after this date will be treated as late and not considered until after National Offer Day on 1st March 2023. This is a high birth rate year so you are encouraged to apply before the deadline.
Care for Cyclists
We have been advised of a recent incident whereby two members of our school community were almost knocked off their bicycles by a parent/carer pulling away from double yellow lines having dropped their child at school.
Parking on pavements, double yellow lines and on corners causes chicanes and blind corners that no-one can see round. Parking of this nature is not only inconsiderate but hazardous to both cyclists and pedestrians alike.
Given the above, we would like to ask all parents/carers who drive their children to and from school to be mindful of those families who cycle to school.
Access to the Junior School
We would like to remind all parents/carers that between the hours of 8.50am and 3.00pm, access to Oaklands Junior School should be made via the Butler Road Entrance only. We are unable to provide entry from the Ellis Road Gate as access via this route is the responsibility of Oaklands Infant School.
Just breathe
Did you know that breathing is the most effective way to calm your nervous system? Making time to notice your breath, then slow it down, will lower your heart rate and help change the stress-response hormones coursing through your body and brain. Episode 1 of ‘Sleep Well – with Michael Moseley’, available for over a year on BBC Sounds, explains the benefits and shows you how to do it, while Deep Breathing Exercises for Kids by Coping Skills For Kids has lots of ways to make it fun; think bubbles, stars, Darth Vader or rainbows, to name just a few.
Local Community Information/Activities and Events
For activities and events taking place locally that may be of interest to you please click here.