Dear Parents / Carers,
Thank you to all our families who joined us recently for either our Platinum Jubilee Picnic or our Sports day. We were very fortunate with the weather on both occasions and it was lovely to see so many families enjoying picnics on the field. This summer term, we have loved being back to normal with whole school events like these, where we have been able to invite you to join with us to celebrate together as Oaklands’ families, involving both Infants and Acorns Pre-School too.
End of Year reports are well on the way to being completed. We are aiming to get these to you electronically during the week commencing 11th July.
If you or anyone you know is interested in joining our team in the Autumn term, we are currently recruiting for a Year 4 Teaching Assistant (Maternity cover) and a 1:1 Support Assistant (also Maternity Cover) – details can be found on our website here.
One a final note, Crowthorne Carnival Week starts on Saturday and I am delighted to say that our PTA have been working extremely hard on this year’s entry. If you are in the vicinity on Saturday, please do come along and support us.
Mrs H West, Headteacher
Sporting Festivals
On Wednesday 8th June, a group of Year 4 boys and girls took part after school in the All Stars Cricket Skills. They had to do a variety of throwing, catching and batting skills at eight stations, which they moved round. It was a fantastic event with sixteen schools altogether at Shinfield St Mary’s School. The Oaklands children were very enthusiastic throughout and had a great time. One child even said, “This is the best time ever!”

On Friday 17th June we took a team of seven Year 5 girls to Luckley House where they spent the afternoon playing a football tournament. All the girls are in local football teams and were amazing, using their skills to play incredibly well. They played four, 10min games. They won two (3:0 and 8:0) and drew two (2:2 and 0:0). It was a very hot, but brilliant afternoon.

Crowthorne Carnival Flower Festival
We are extremely pleased to announce that Mr Hopley, one of our regular volunteers here at the Junior School, will be creating our entry for this year’s Crowthorne Carnival Flower Festival. If you would like to visit the Festival then more information on the event can be accessed here.
Dressing-up Clothing / Playground Games
In our last News Update we asked for donations of dressing-up costumes and clothing that our children could use for role-play activities during lunch-times. We would welcome any clothing items (e.g waistcoats, jackets, hats, scarves) that might be suitable for this purpose, they do not need to be shop-bought fancy dress costumes.
In addition to dressing-up clothes, we are also seeking donations of games that can be played in the playground, for example skipping ropes, tennis balls, large Jenga, large chess and draught sets, cricket sets and pop-up play tents.
Donations of both dressing-up clothing and playground games can be handed in to the School Office.
Crowthorne Carnival Front Cover Competition
Don’t forget all of the entries submitted by our school will be displayed in shop windows throughout Crowthorne High Street during carnival week.
Mental Health Matters
Strangely enough, we often feel more comfortable learning from our peers, people who have been through similar experiences to us, rather than professionals. If you can spare 45 minutes, why not sign up to a free webinar from 17:00 – 17:45 on Monday 4 July 2022 and find out how other parents cope when the going gets tough. The session is called ‘How to Cope When Your Child Can’t: How parents can help themselves and each other’ and is hosted by The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH). Click here for more details and to book your place.
Voluntary Contributions
Thank you to all who have paid our suggested donation of £20 for your child this current year. We rely on this money to fund some of our creativity, notably Art and DT. If you have not contributed, but are able to do so, please go onto SCOPAY to donate whatever you can afford. All donations will be very gratefully received. Thank you for your support.
It has been brought to our attention that a small number of parents/carers are parking on the single and double yellow lines near the Butler Road entrance and the junction of Butler Road and Grange Avenue. Parking in this way causes a great risk to our school children by preventing them from crossing the road safely.
We would like to remind parents/carers that drivers are requested not to park opposite the zigzag lines (this provides a safe crossing for our families and particularly for our older pupils crossing the road independently) or on grass verges, on the corners of road junctions.
Local Community Information, Activities and Events
If your child is interested in Judo, Tennis or Football then click here where you will find further details on summer camps and sessions taking place over the summer holidays.