Dear Parents/Carers,
Weduc have informed us that they will soon be changing their payments provider within the ReachMoreParents app. This a forced change due to their existing payment provider (sQuid) ceasing operations on 14th March 2025.
Rest assured, they are transitioning to a new payment provider to minimise disruption to payments for trips and other school activities. They confirm that the new payment provider will be ParentPay. As many of you already use ParentPay for meals we are working on the best way to migrate the system. Once ParentPay have confirmed a go-live date, we will share further details, including any actions required.
For now, please continue using the current system as normal via the ReachMoreParents app. If you have an outstanding balance in sQuid which you are able to clear this will really help with the transition to the new system. If you have a balance that you are unable to clear this will be transferred over to ParentPay.
Kind regards,
The School Office