Dear Parents / Carers,

Next week is Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week, with resources to help families engage outside the classroom.

The theme this year is My Voice Matters and is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves.

Here are the top ten things children and young people said they needed from their parents and carers.

How was school today? Do any of these possible conversation starters look worth a try (to avoid that one-word answer)?

  • Tell me about your day
  • What was the best thing about today?
  • What is the biggest worry in your life right now?
  • What’s your online life like?
  • Who would you talk to if you were feeling worried?
  • What can I do to help you?

Developed by Place2Be‘s Art Room team for 4-11 year olds, this activity encourages children to think about, and share, what matters to them. Based on what children have drawn or told you, what key messages might you as a grown-up take away? Will things change in light of what children have told you?

Any Beano fans out there? This poster has a dozen tips to help children feel better about themselves.

Did you know…?

Parenting Smart, Place2Be’s site for parents and carers, is full of expert advice and tips on supporting primary-aged children and managing their behaviour.  Each of the 51 topics has a ‘quick read’ or video, e.g. to help manage separation anxiety, build resilience, improve listening skills and many more.

Kind regards,
Louise Mullier
Educational Psychotherapist

Categories: Letters