Dear Parents/Carers,

As school is due to restart tomorrow (Tuesday 7th January), we would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you can now report your child’s absence via the Weduc app.

More information is available on the letter that came out on Wednesday 18th December and is also available to view on the News/Letters page of our website.

If you have any old sports kit at home that you would like to contribute to Kit Aid, please wash and hand in to the school before Thursday 9th January.

Please ring the Police on 101 if you are unhappy with the way some cars are parked, for example, on double yellow lines, on pavements, across drives etc. Neighbours who suffer from repeated incidents of not being able to enter/exit their drives are advised to take the registration number of the car concerned and report it to the police on 101.

Bad parking affects neighbours and our children’s safety. Please park a bit further away if necessary and walk!

Categories: Letters