Adults in Year 6
Class 6A Teacher – Mrs Alexander
Class 6A Teaching Assistant – Mrs Yeatman
Class 6N Teacher – Miss Noad
Class 6N Teaching Assistant – Mrs Burrell
Class 6N 1:1 Support Assistant – Mrs Dyer/Mrs Garden

- Ratio and Proportion
- Angles
- 2D and 3D shapes
- Co-ordinates
- Translation and Reflection
- Measurement
- Algebra
- Regular revision of all arithmetic
- The Shakespeare play Macbeth – Writing Speeches
- WW2: – Diary of Anne Frank
- WW2 poetry
- Grammar – understanding grammatical terminology and how to apply in order to improve writing; developing comprehension skills using VIPERS
- Guided Reading – regular sessions working on deeper understanding of texts
- Reading Comprehensions
- Spelling rules
Science and Outdoor Learning
- Light
- Evolution and Inheritance
- Pond dipping
- Weekly gardening
Geography and History
- World War 2 – The Battle of Britain
- The Effects of Climate Change
Religious Education
- Christianity – How is love important to Christians?
- Christianity – Easter
- Chinese New Year
Physical Education
- Hockey
- Touch Rugby
- Gym
- WW2 dance
PE lessons are on Tuesday and Thursday. School PE kit should be worn to school on these days.
- Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue
- Charanga Jazz
- E-safety
- Scratch
- Spreadsheets
Art and DT
- WWII art – Henry Moore
- London Scenes – Gail Brodholt
- Crumble package – Inputs and Outputs
- Cooking – Chinese New Year Feast
Art activities – Please keep an old shirt or apron in school at all times.
- Jigsaw Scheme
- Democracy
- Dreams and Goals
- Healthy Me
P4C (Philosophy for Children)
P4C themes will vary according to the topics and interests of the children. With the teacher assistant as facilitator, the children will be working collaboratively to create relevant questions, give reasons for opinions and discuss the validity of those opinions, develop a sense of trust, tolerance and fair-mindedness and to promote reflective thinking.
- Verbs
- Writing sentences
- Conversations
- Homework task will be set weekly on Teams on Thursdays.
- Spelling activity from grid handed out each Thursday, due in the following Tuesday.
- Regular reading (5x per week minimum expectation)
- Children will be tested on their times tables on alternate Tuesday mornings. They should be practising the level that they are working on using websites such as ‘Hit the button’ or for a total of about 20 minutes. Times table activities are linked on our website
Please check your child’s homework diary regularly and sign it at the end of each week. Diaries need to be in school every day. These diaries will be checked on Monday.
Key Dates
- Chinese New Year Day – Friday 31st January – Parent helpers would be much appreciated for the cooking.
- RAF Hendon Trip – Monday 31st March