Adults in Year 5

Class 5B Teacher – Mrs Broadhurst
Class 5B Teaching Assistant – Mrs Mooney

Class 5M Teacher – Miss McComish
Class 5M Teaching Assistant – Mrs Griffiths
Class 5M 1-1 Support Assistant – Ms Dyer


  • Number and place value
  • Calculations
  • Fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Measurement
  • Properties of shapes
  • Statistics

Each child is expected to learn their times tables which will be tested.


  • We will be reading ‘Journey to the River Sea’ to help us describe different settings using expanded noun phrases and figurative language.
  • We will also produce a range of poetry ending with a piece inspired by ‘The Lost Words’ book including a range of figurative language.
  • Comprehension skills using VIPERS.

Science and Outdoor Learning

  • Living things and their habitats
  • Weekly gardening


We will be studying the Brazilian rainforest and its importance to the water cycle.  Children will be set a research project as part of their English homework to be presented to the class as a short talk accompanied by slides and/or props.

Religious Education

We will continue with our Hinduism studies as well as the Christian Festival of Easter.

Physical Education

  • Tuesday PE: Gymnastics
  • Thursday Games: Netball & Football

PE lessons are on Tuesday and Thursday. PE kit should be worn to school on these days.


  • Charanga
  • Space themed music
  • Rainforest music
  • Fresh Prince of Bel- Air


Continue our E-safety message, learn about search engines, digital publishing and the use of spreadsheets for data handling.

 Art and DT

Our art this term will be linked with our rainforest topic. We will be studying the work of the French artist, Rosseau to create collages.

Art activities – please keep an old shirt or apron in school at all times


  • Each week we will use circle time to address relevant classroom topics, such as respectful behaviour and understanding how we learn.
  • Jigsaw Scheme.

P4C (Philosophy for Children)

P4C themes will vary in each year group, according to the topics and interests of the children.  With the teacher as facilitator, the children will be working collaboratively to create relevant questions, give reasons for opinions and discuss the validity of those opinions, develop a sense of trust, tolerance and fair-mindedness and to promote reflective thinking.


This term we will be revising and building on the work done in Year 4 on writing sentences, using adjectives and gender. We also look at the way of life in France, including school life and festivals through the year.


In addition to learning for the times table test, spelling homework will be set every Thursday, to be handed in the following Tuesday. The expectations for use of Doodle learning will remain the same. Children should read for 10 minutes every night and be heard by an adult at least once a week.

Please check your child’s homework diary regularly and sign it at the end of each week.  These diaries will be checked on Monday.