Adults in Year 4
Class 4JG Teachers – Mrs Jones & Miss Green
Class 4JG Teaching Assistant – Mrs Townend
Class 4D Teacher – Miss Davidson
Class 4D Teaching Assistant – Mrs Phillips

- Mental and written methods for addition, subtraction, division and multiplication
- Properties of common 2D and 3D shapes including symmetry
- Metric units, reading scales, presentation and interpretation of data
- Measuring length, perimeter, angles and using compass directions
- Fractions of quantities, equivalent fractions, fractions and decimals
- Work based around the story of Beowulf
- Poetry: riddles and kennings
- Stories in a historical setting
- Comprehension skills using VIPERS
- Grammar rules
- Begin work based on Wind in the Willows
Science and Outdoor Learning
- Sound
- Digestive system
- Weekly gardening
- Anglo–Saxons & Vikings:
- Reason for invasions
- Everyday life
- Religion
- Sutton Hoo
- Sustainability
- Map work: using Ordnance Survey maps
- Field work relating to residential trip
- Settlements – where and why people settled
Religious Education
- Judaism: The importance of God’s will
- Christianity: Easter and forgiveness
Physical Education
- Hockey & Tennis
- Circuits & Gym (Balances)
PE lessons are on Monday and Wednesday. School PE kit should be worn to school on these days.
- Charanga
- Understand rhythm and pulse
- Use voices and instruments with increasing control and expression
- Improvise and compose music
- Start to recognise and use musical notations
- Listen and appraise music
- E-Safety
- Animation
- Programming
- Create multimedia presentations
Art and DT
- Breakfast Workshop
- Georgia O’ Keefe inspired art
- Strengthening materials (Iron Man head)
- Weaving
Art activities – Please keep an old shirt or apron in school at all times
- Jigsaw Scheme
- Dreams and goals
- Healthy Me
- Project Evolve (link with online safety)
P4C (Philosophy for Children)
P4C themes will vary in each year group, according to the topics and interests of the children. With the teacher as facilitator, the children will be working collaboratively to create relevant questions, give reasons for opinions and discuss the validity of those opinions, develop a sense of trust, tolerance and fair-mindedness and to promote reflective thinking.
- Revision of previous vocabulary
- Sentence building, word order, negatives, questions, use of plural, adjective agreement
- Songs, games and stories
- On Teams: Curriculum homework. Handed out through the Teams App on Thursday to be handed in on Tuesday
- Children will be tested on their times tables on alternate Wednesday mornings. They should be practising the level that they are working on using websites such as ‘Hit the button’ or for a total of about 20 minutes.
- Spelling homework (10 min) to be handed in by Tuesday (given out on a Thursday).
- Daily reading – (at least 5 times) minimum 10 mins per session. To be recorded in Homework Diary
Please check your child’s homework diary regularly and sign it at the end of each week. These diaries will be checked on Monday.
Key Dates
- Residential Trip – Wednesday 26th March to Friday 28th March