Adults in Year 3
Class 3H Teacher – Miss Hanks
Class 3H Teaching Assistant – Mrs Smith
Class 3L Teacher – Mr Lee
Class 3L Teaching Assistant – Mrs Mooney

- Fractions: recognise and show, using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators as well as compare and order unit fractions, and fractions with the same denominators.
- Number: Recapping place value and ordering numbers up to 1000.
- Calculations: Multiply and divide whole numbers by 10 & 100 and the effect on place value.
- Estimating, rounding and investigating number patterns. Mental and written strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
- Add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both £ and p in practical contexts.
- Investigate and calculate area and perimeter in different 2D rectilinear shapes.
- Use standard measures for weight and length accurately.
- Handling Data – interpreting tables, bar charts and pictograms.
- Cross curricular writing, linked with our History topic of the Stone Age.
- Reading a range of different texts and extracts, including complex narratives and archaic stories.
- Instructional writing to be paired with DT topic.
- Learning spelling rules and investigating patterns through games and IT activities.
- Guided Reading sessions with a VIPERS focus.
Science and Outdoor Learning
- Forces and Magnets.
- Animals including humans.
- Planning and carrying out investigations. Making observations, gathering and interpreting results and presenting these in graphs.
- How plants grow and planting seeds in our Year 3 vegetable garden.
- Observing the life cycle of the frog during our pond watch.
- Weekly gardening.
- The Stone Age to the Bronze Age
We are planning to take the children to Butser Ancient Farm on Wednesday 5th March. A letter will come out nearer the time.
- Locality of the school including mapping skills.
- Exploring the local area including a local walk.
Religious Education
- Christianity – Jesus’ miracles and Easter
Physical Education
- Gym – rolls, balances and jumps.
- Games – fitness and ball skills in a variety of sports including Touch rugby and Basketball.
PE lessons are on Monday and Wednesday. School PE kit should be worn to school on these days.
- Exploring music through Charanga – playing glockenspiels.
- Extend understanding of rhythmic patterns; identifying repeated patterns. Create own patterns and play them separately and in combination with other patterns.
- E-Safety
- Coding
- Keyboard and mouse skills; basic word processing skills (using PowerPoint, Word etc)
Art and DT
- Stone Age themed art – charcoal and chalk
- Cooking pasta sauce for instructional writing
- Pop-up cards
Art activities – Please keep an old shirt or apron in school at all times.
- Jigsaw Scheme
- Personal hygiene
P4C (Philosophy for Children)
P4C themes will vary in each year group, according to the topics and interests of the children. With the teacher as facilitator, the children will be working collaboratively to create relevant questions, give reasons for opinions and discuss the validity of those opinions, develop a sense of trust, tolerance and fair-mindedness and to promote reflective thinking.
- Revision of colours, numbers, letters, common instructions and greetings.
- Traditional French songs and stories; life in France through webcams, maps and films.
- We recommend reading 5 times a week for at least 10 minutes. This should be recorded in the homework diary.
- Children will be tested on their times tables on alternate Monday mornings. They should be practising the level that they are working on using websites such as ‘Hit the button’ or for a total of about 20 minutes.
- 5 new spellings will be handed out each Thursday and an activity from the grid should be completed by Tuesday.
- Teams homework should be completed every week. This is set on a Thursday to be returned by Tuesday.
Please check your child’s homework diary regularly and sign it at the end of each week. Please record every time you read with your child. If your child has any difficulty with their homework, please record this in their diary. These diaries will be checked on Monday.
Key Dates
- Butser Farm – Wednesday 5th March