Adults in Year 6

Class 6A Teacher – Mrs Alexander
Class 6A Teaching Assistant – Mrs Yeatman

Class 6N Teacher – Miss Noad
Class 6N Teaching Assistant – Mrs Burrell
Class 6N 1-1 Support Assistant – Mrs Phillips


  • Times tables challenge, basic facts and arithmetic practice
  • Number work including place value, ordering and rounding
  • Addition and subtraction written strategies
  • Multiplication and division written strategies, including long division
  • Using knowledge of operations to solve problems involving the four operations
  • Factors, multiples and primes
  • Fractions


  • School Council Manifestos
  • Study a range of fiction and non-fiction linked with topics – The Watertower, (class text), Tom’s Midnight Garden (class text). Linked non-fiction writing in History and Science.
  • Grammar – understanding word classes and sentence structure.
  • Spelling Rules
  • Guided Reading – regular sessions working on deeper understanding of texts (VIPERS).

Science (and Outdoor Learning)

  • Looking at different habitats, classifying plants and animals.
  • Woodlice Investigation
  • Light
  • Gardening


  • The Shang Dynasty


  • Map work surrounding Osmington Bay and the Jurassic Coast

Religious Education

  • Islam
  • How religion influences and inspires people
  • How our beliefs influence our approach to the world around us
  • Christianity – Christmas Story

Physical Education

  • Games: Netball, Lacrosse, Gymnastics, circuits: designing and understanding the purpose of warm ups

PE lessons will be on Tuesday and Thursday. PE kits to be worn into school on these days.


  • Chinese Art
  • Gardens inspired by the work of Gustav Klimt. Exploring impressionist painting and the use of colour to present feeling and mood.

Art activities – Please keep an old shirt or apron in school at all times.


  • We will be using Charanga units of work including Happy and Classroom Jazz. 
  • We will be studying music from the Chinese culture.


  • E-Safety
  • Using Excel – Spreadsheets


  • Sewing: learning different stitches
  • Creating a Christmas stocking


  • Class rules
  • Rights, respect and responsibility in a variety of scenarios
  • Self-esteem and making good decisions

P4C (Philosophy for Children)

  • P4C themes will vary according to the topics and interests of the children.  With the teacher / teaching assistant as facilitator, the children will be working collaboratively to create relevant questions, give reasons for opinions and discuss the validity of those opinions, develop a sense of trust, tolerance and fair-mindedness and to promote reflective thinking.


  • This term we will be focusing on shape, size and colour.


  • 35 minutes of Doodle Maths and English throughout the week
  • 20 minutes of Doodle Times Tables throughout the week
  • Spelling activity from grid handed out each Thursday, due in the following Tuesday.
  • Regular reading (5x per week minimum expectation)

Please check your child’s homework diary regularly and sign it at the end of each week. Make sure it is in school every day. These diaries are always checked on Mondays.