Adults in Year 4

Class 4JG Teachers – Mrs Jones and Miss Green
Class 4JG Teaching Assistant – Mrs Townend

Class 4D Teacher – Miss Davidson
Class 4D Teaching Assistant – Mrs Koufopoulou


  • Recall multiplication & division facts up to 12 x 12; mental maths focus.
  • Recognise place value of each digit in a 4 digit number; multiply/divide mentally.
  • Round numbers to nearest 10, 100 or 1000; order & compare nos. up to 5 digits.
  • Add and subtract numbers up to four digits using written and mental methods.
  • Multiply 2 & 3 digits by 1 digit, using formal written layout.
  • Solve two step word problems in contexts for all operations.
  • Compare/classify geometric shapes; calculate perimeter & area.
  • Convert between units of measures; analogue & digital time.
  • Understand & solve problems involving fractions & equivalents.
  • Describe positions on a 2D grid as coordinate in first & second quadrants.
  • Identify different types of angles, compare and order angles.
  • Interpret & present data. Solve problems using information in graphs & tables.


  • School Council manifestos
  • Characters and settings – how they are described.
  • Identifying different types of texts and features of non-fiction texts. 
  • Information posters and texts
  • Diary writing
  • Developing understanding of spellings, grammar and punctuation.
  • Using VIPERS to read and understand texts in more detail.


  • States of Matter
  • Electricity
  • Habitats
  • Year group garden

Geography (and Outdoor Learning)

  • Continents, countries and counties.
  • Map work   


Roman Britain

  • Why did the Romans invade Britain & what is the legacy of this invasion?
  • Why did the Romans almost lose control of Britain?
  • What did the Romans do whilst they were in Britain?

Anglo–Saxons & Vikings:

  • Reason for invasions
  • Everyday life
  • Religion
  • Sutton Hoo

Religious Education

Learning about and from religion through the use of questions:

  • How special is the relationship Christians & Jews have with God?
  • What is the most significant part of the nativity story for Christians today?


  • Use and understand staff and other musical notations.
  • Learning about how to improvise and compose music for a range of purposes.
  • Understand how pulse, rhythm and pitch work together to create music.
  • Learn and perform a song.

Physical Education

  • Basketball & Touch Rugby.
  • Gym & dance

School PE kit should worn on a Monday and Wednesday.


  • Roman mosaics.
  • Observational drawing.
  • Dragon Eye

Art activities – Please keep an old shirt or apron in school at all times.

Design and Technology

  • Pumpkin Soup
  • Build an ‘Iron Man’ head using wood and card and include an electrical circuit.


  • E-safety.
  • Digital Exploration & Imagery; creating animations
  • Improving typing skills
  • Branching databases


  • Class rules
  • Being me in my world
  • Celebrating difference
  • First aid -The Conscious and Unconscious Casualty


  • Asking questions and giving answers; classroom objects.

P4C (Philosophy for Children)

  • P4C themes will vary according to the concepts and topics we are focusing on in class.  With the teacher as facilitator, the children will be working collaboratively to create and answer questions, give reasons for opinions and discuss the validity of those opinions, develop a sense of trust, tolerance and fair-mindedness and to promote reflective thinking.


  • Mathematics – Doodle Maths (25 mins a week) and Doodle Times tables (20 mins a week) between Thursday and Wednesday. Times table tests every Wednesday.
  • Spelling homework, given on a Thursday and to be handed in on Tuesday.
  • English – Doodle English (25 mins a week)
  • Occasional Topic – set on Friday and handed in on the following Wednesday.
  • Reading – (5 times a week, at least one with an adult). Minimum 10 mins to be recorded in Homework Diary, indicating which day your child read to an adult.

Please check your child’s homework diary regularly and sign it at the end of each week.