Friday 23rd February Update
When your Child is Unwell/Reporting Absence
When your child is unwell and cannot come to school we would ask that you report their absence as soon as possible and preferably before 9am. You can report this either via the Weduc …
February Half-Term Newsletter
…Dear Parents / Carers,
We have had a very busy start to this spring term. They say time goes quickly when you are having fun – so we must have had a lot of fun! I am thankful that we
News Items/Updates – Friday 2nd February 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,
PE Kits
As a reminder for our parents/carers, the following is an extract from our school uniform policy:
For P.E. and Games, pupils are required to wear the following:
¨ Yellow T-shirt, navy shorts
Parents/carers should note that:…
Free School Meals
Dear Parents/Carers,
We have received the following information from Wokingham:
Free school meals and extra funding for your child’s education
Across the UK more than 10 per cent of pupils who are eligible for free school meals do not register …