Friday 8th November Notices
Friday 8th November –Anti-bullying Week, Odd Socks Day, PTA Disco, First News, Local Community and Chat Health
Anti-bullying Week is being launched from Monday 11th November and children are invited to wear …
First News Magazine
Dear Parents/Carers,
Would you like to inspire your child with a wider range of reading material which is based on current news stories, and published as a child-friendly newspaper?
First News is a magazine to which we subscribe for our …
PTA Fireworks Update: Volunteers Needed!
Fireworks Update: Volunteers Needed!!
Dear Parents / Carers,
We’ve sold 1384 tickets to our fireworks event which is really exciting however we’re still in need of volunteers or else we CANNOT go ahead with the event for safety reasons.
We …
Reminder – School Photograph Order Deadline
Dear Parents / Carers,
We are writing to remind you of the following:
To ensure delivery of your child’s photograph to school, Cardwell & Simon have an order deadline of tomorrow – Tuesday 5th November. If you place an …